The Nosy Wiener Detective Agency


The sensible sister


The snacking sister

The Nosy Wiener Detective Agency is situated in the heart of the idyllic town of Waggleford, where the only things hurt are feelings.

Maja and Gretel, the super snoots and self-proclaimed 'long paw of the law' are black and tan miniature dachshund sisters with noses for crime. They head up the agency assisted by a brilliant team of fur-friends.

Each nosy cosy mystery sees the sisters engage in troubling incidents brought to them by the animals of Waggleford. 

The Nosy Wiener Detective Agency is about to become involved in a string of mysteries the like of which the town has never seen - or sniffed - before. 

If you are interested in working with us to publish this series of upper primary/lower secondary novels please email us to chat -
